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Remediation Plus
A teacher training course accompanied by a full curriculum based on phonemic awareness and Orton Gillingham methodology. · read more
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) - Avalon Chapter
Education of the gifted, the physically and mentally handicapped, children with behaviour disorders, communication disorders, and learning disabilities. · read more
School-to-Work Outreach Project
The STWOP was a nationwide, three year project funded by the U.S. Department of Education to improve school-to-work activities including students with disabilities by identifying and sharing school-to-work models/practices/strategies that work, encouraging others to adopt or replicate those models · read more
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Blackberry Open Letter To its customers not to lose hope as there will be more good devices coming soon and Blackberry devices are still the best.
Heaven for Travel, Canada is first choice for tourists. Lots of hotels, Motels bread and breakfast in Canada. Canada travel is really worth it. Travel to Canada is a good idea as it has got amazing landscapes and Cheap Tickets. If you want a Cheap ticket then look for Air Canada deal. Its tickets are usually cheap and it operates from many US cities.
Canadian National Exibition also called CNE encompass 192 acres of in Exhibition Place in Toronto.